Joe Evans
I grew up Idaho, going to school in West Ada School District, back when it was Meridian School District.
The grandson of two WWII Veterans and SW Idaho Farmers, a son of two entrepreneurs, an artist and a musician, with 4 brothers and sisters growing ups in the LDS Church.
I spent my early 20s working odd jobs in the valley, including construction labor and service industry, and helping my parents with various ventures before joining the Army.
During my service I was involved in Haiti, the Cuban Refugee Crisis, a deployment to Korea, 3 tours in Afghanistan, 1 tour in Iraq, and one tour in the Philippines to support the War on Terror. Since leaving the service, I have completed two Bachelor Degrees at Boise State University, using my G.I. Bill, and currently work as a Cloud engineer.

Idaho Joe for Congress
I decided to run for US Congress because there are things that I feel strongly about, our involvement in the Middle East, our occupation of Afghanistan, the rising federal deficit and debt, federal barriers to industry entry…The list is pretty extensive, actually.
I decided to run as an independent candidate because neither the Democrats nor Republicans are offering a holistic solution to Americas problems that will work. Both are offering false security with policies that work contrary to the effects they promise. Accepting either of their platforms is a dangerous path forward.
What America needs is not a promise of security, centrally managed. We need Open Source Liberty, that enables everyone to contribute to the solution and grow American prosperity by building strengths, rather than concealing our weaknesses.
I want you to join me in supporting a vision for America that is neither Republican or Democrat, but American.
The NDAA and the inflated military budget is tax revenue spent on military adventurism and profiteering that is endangering the National Security of the United States. We are in the process of losing several wars because of misrepresentations of the asymmetric fight highlighted by the #AfghanistanPapers. It is time to #BringOurTroopsHome and build America with the money wasted over the last 19 years. Throwing good money after bad is never a good fiscal policy, and destroying the peace of a foreign community does not bring peace to ours.
Ecology and environmentalism are critical issues to me since it will eventually become a national security issue in its own right. Currently, land management in America, particularly in the West and Idaho, is heavily regulated in ways that prevent responsive action on environmental disasters. The Boring Battle infestation that is affecting the forests of the Pacific Northwest is still untreated and regulators won’t allow local land managers to effect policies to correct an issue that has destroyed half of the carbon sequestration capability of our forests and increased risk of even more destructive forest fires.
Barriers to industry entry continue to get in the way of open source solutions to the problems we face in modern America. Organizations like the FDA and DEA no longer serve their original purpose of consumer protection and now function as gatekeepers for industries that practice policies that are damaging to our environment and economy. Additionally, these “executive agencies” have become self policing organizations with little of the oversight originally intended and operate via Executive Order rather than Congressional Oversight, it is time to reassert the separation of powers.